CHF 80.00 / € 80.00

First edition October 2021
Limited edition of 300 copies
Hardcover bound
25 x 35 cm
64 pages
German (with English translation)
ISBN 978-3-906313-36-8

Some originals from the book can be bought from us. Please send enquiries to


Der Wunderbaum
Alexis Saile


The Zurich artist Alexis Saile (*1972) can be counted among “The Free & Wild”. He has been delighting us for decades with his enchantingly beautiful, highly poetic and radical drawings and paintings. With Der Wunderbaum he is breaking new, fantastic ground into abstraction. Already published are the books DOPPELGAENGER, Schabernack and Kind of Hockney.

Der Wunderbaum is a collection of recent (miraculously beautiful) ink drawings, completed with a fairy tale by Lisa Tetzner.